Virtualization and The Cloud has become the driving force behind all new technology solutions of the future. As a result, The Cloud has hit the IT world by storm and with good reason.
The benefits of implementing virtualization solutions are limitless. Consequently, this technology allows for more efficient utilization of network server capacity, decreased rack space, simplified storage solutions, reduced energy costs, better use of corporate capital, and it leaves a lighter carbon footprint on the environment.
In other words: virtualization helps you save money, energy, and space. Not bad, huh? Most noteworthy, the virtual environments today are Desktops, Servers and Applications.
If your organization hasn’t yet implemented any virtualized solutions, the time is now.

Cloud9 Complete

Cloud9 Complete
- Hosted Applications
- File Sharing
- Hosted on Enterprise Servers
- Microsoft Office
- Enterprise Exchange Mail
- Smart Device Connectivity
- Includes Connectivity Support
What is Server Virtualization?
Server virtualization allows multiple operating systems to run on a single physical machine known as a virtual machine (VM). It also enables you to be able to share hardware resources across multiple physical servers.
We are able to store these virtual machines as regular files. Therefore they present a completely new level of flexibility and stability into the world of Windows Server. They can consolidate workloads across multiple underutilized servers onto less server hardware. This leads to reduced costs through lower hardware, decreased energy consumption, data center rack space, and management overhead. While creating a more dynamic IT infrastructure. Server virtualization also offers an unmatched ease and cost efficiency when it comes to high availability, fault tolerance, and disaster recovery.
Standard Windows Operating based servers only utilize a small percentage of the configured hardware capacity. Virtualizing those servers typically allows for consolidation rates of 10:1. That means that one of today’s servers can power up to 10 virtual servers. This allows for immense savings in cost associated with server sprawl, decreases the storage space, power and cooling required to run. Rather than paying for many server machines, each dedicated a specific workload, server virtualization allows those workloads to be consolidated onto a smaller number of more fully-used machines.
Hardware Virtualization uses software to create a Virtual Machine (VM) that emulates a physical computer. This creates a separate Operating System environment that is logically isolated from the host server. By providing multiple VMs at once, this approach allows several operating systems to run simultaneously on a single physical machine.
What is Computer Virtualization?
Desktop virtualization, otherwise known as Virtual Desktop Infrastructure, (VDI) utilizes the same core technology as server virtualization.
This presents tremendous opportunity for savings in regards to desktop management. VDI was created to give system administrators and end-users the best of both worlds: the ability to host and centrally manage their desktops in the data center while providing the end users with the ability to experience their complete desktop anywhere within their organization. This can be achieved either from both Thin Clients or current desktops either at the same office or remotely.
Facts about Desktop Virtualization (VDI)
- Typically 90-95% of desktop resources remain unused at any given time.
- Desktop virtualization allows you to separate the desktop operating system and all applications from your desktop computer which can reduce the cost of your PC ownership by 40%.
- All computing processes take place at the server level which is unseen by the user, but allows them to access all of their necessary files and applications across any connection from any device, including smart phones.
VDI solutions help companies to reduce their total cost of ownership, increase business agility and continuity, enable anywhere access, and improve security and compliance. These solutions open an entirely new portfolio of solutions thus empowering companies to choose the technologies that best address their unique technology challenges while protecting their existing IT investments. VDI is the perfect solution for a wide array of work environments ranging from daily internal use, to mobile users across the country. At the same time, the integrity of the user’s data and profile remains protected and secure from outside sources, centrally managed in a data center.
VDI Solutions will:
- Reduce Individual User Hardware Costs Significantly
- Provide Cost Savings through reduced energy costs
- Enables Secure management of data and applications
- Reduce IT Management Costs
Application Virtualization
Over the past several years, technologies for streaming applications have entered the marketplace, making a significant impact. Historically, we install entire program applications on individual user systems, with the exception to scenarios similar to the use of Terminal Services. We know that only specific parts of computer programs need to be available at any time for the end user to perform particular functions.
This means that programs do not require a complete installation on individual client computers, rather over a low bandwidth network we send parts of the program as needed. In addition, application streaming is usually combined with application virtualization, meaning that applications are not installed in the traditional sense. Applications are able to stream to an end-point device such as a laptop, I-Pad or Smart Phone and be available to the user even when the device is not on the network. Hence application virtualization and streaming allows for much greater compatibility, manageability, increased user productivity and portability of the applications themselves.
The benefits of Application Virtualization include:
- Reduced software licensing fees and maintenance
- Decreased IT Management Costs
- Decreased Client Hardware Costs
- Increased Application and Data Security
To find out if moving to a virtual environment is the best fit for your organization, contact a member of our technical sales team today! OC Cloud9, the Cloud Services Division of Orange County Computer® can design a custom virtual solution to meet the infrastructure needs of your technology environment.
For more information, please contact us via telephone at 949-699-6619 or via email at Contact Us