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Data Recovery Services in Orange County, CA

Data Loss & Data Recovery in Orange County

Orange County Computer®, Inc. is an industry leader in providing Data Recovery Solutions. Our Data Recovery Experts can recover lost or destroyed data that typical IT companies automatically send out to a Clean Room for diagnosis. In many cases, our Technical Team can recover your valuable company or personal data and save you the expense of a Clean Room Recovery. We work with IDE, SCSI and SATA drives to include multiple RAID configurations.

Symptoms of Data Loss

You may have encountered a problem with data loss if you observe any of the following:

  • File cannot be opened or is damaged
  • Computer will not start up (sometimes can be followed by the screen message “Missing operating system,” etc.)
  • The system freezes while trying to open files
  • Directory content or documents are corrupted
  • System makes unusual sounds
  • Computer cannot “find” the hard disk
  • Files cannot be accessed and/or copied
  • DVDs and CDs cannot be read or copied
  • Memory card is unreadable or seems to be unformatted

When You Should Consider Our Computer Data Recovery Services in Orange County

If you experience a data loss situation it is extremely important that you do not  predict the worst case scenario and try to resolve the problem yourself.  Doing so can make matters worse and could result in the complete and permanent loss of your data. Unless you are skilled in working with hard drives, don’t do anything but seek the advice of a data recovery professional in Orange County.

If the affected hard drive is making any unusual noises such as clicking, grinding or metal scraping, turn it off immediately! This condition typically indicates a head crash and major media damage. Hard disks spin at a high rate of speed, anywhere from 3200 to 10,000 revolutions per minute. Extensive damage can occur in a short period of time if a drive is left running, making the data irretrievable. In this situation it is best to turn off the system, remove the drive and bring it to our facilities for hard drive repair.

If you’ve accidentally deleted files, emptied the Recycle Bin or Trash Can, don’t install any software or save additional files to your drive. Doing so may permanently overwrite the deleted items. If you are in the middle of a project when you discover files are missing, or you believe they have been deleted, save the current project to a flash drive or another storage device. Don’t write, install software, or save anything to the drive where the missing files were located.

PC Data Recovery Completion Process

When your data has been successfully recovered, we offer several personal data recovery solutions to you. Depending on the size and amount of files recovered, they may be placed on an external drive, DVD, or transferred to another system provided by you or Orange County Computer®, Inc.
*Remember to BACKUP often. Don’t take chances with important data! Data Recovery should not be your last resort. We recommend implementing a Primary and Secondary Backup Solution as an alternative to Disaster Recovery.

For more information, please contact us via telephone at 949-699-6619 or via email at Contact Us

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