Gmail is Ending Chrome Browser Support for Windows XP and Vista Operating Systems
Google recently announced that it would be ending its Gmail support for outdated operating systems such as Windows XP and Windows Vista. The Internet search giant is asking users to upgrade their Chrome browsers to its latest version. Updating to the latest version allows users that are surfing the web or checking their Gmail account to be protected from the latest security threats.
According to Google’s updates blog, the most affected by this announcement would be Windows Vista and Windows XP Operating System users. The reason for this is that Microsoft has not supported these operating systems since 2015. This means that any user with a Windows Vista OS and older will be vulnerable to security threats, and general functions issues related to their Gmail account. For example, current XP/Vista users that have a more recent version of Google’s Chrome internet browser (Not intended to support XP or Vista) will not be able to load Gmail anymore.

The most current version of Google Chrome was just released in the beginning of February. It has very crucial security updates that protects its users when browsing the internet and accessing Gmail. Users that do not have the latest version are defenseless against malicious attacks. Such as Trojans, ransom ware, viruses and spyware.
So what can be done? Windows Vista and XP users should upgrade to a newer OS as soon as possible. For those that do not have the option to upgrade to a newer operation system, will still be able to access their Gmail until December of 2017. After this date they will only be able access their Gmail in its most basic non user friendly HTML format. The last option would to replace the system completely with a new one. Which we would strongly encourage for many reasons.

Contact Orange County Computer, Inc for further information or guidance on upgrading options and security features to update on your current Operating System. Call us at (949) 699-6619 or contact support here. Our technicians are Microsoft Certified and have years of experience resolving consumer technology solutions.